Fundamental Baptist Church
Fundamental Baptist Church|Home
Church at 1111 North Ash Street, Escondido, CA 92027
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (2 reviews)
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in Escondido, CA
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- ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Before you go to Fundamental, take a look at my story,
My family had been going to that church for a few years. These people sure preach the gospel straight from the Bible and their teaching is mostly solid. However, I started to notice interesting things as time went on. First I noticed that these people have envelopes for every church member with their name on it. They would put their money in that envelope for the offering. Second, I noticed a lot that Ernie would almost force every teenager who graduated from high school to go to WEST COAST BAPTIST COLLEGE in LANCASTER, CA. They would tell teens to listen to God's will which in reality is Ernie's will for teens to go to that college and get into huge debt. It costs $10,000 per year plus interest. That is plain out ridiculous. They would tell you that God will provide but how. First of all, Ernie doesn't know it is really God's will for me or any of the other teens. Who is he? just a sinner saved by grace. He isn't God.They would embarrass their members in front of the audience to make them shy to have to accept to be a missionary or go to West Coast. NOT TO MENTION THAT WEST COAST IS AN UNCREADITED COLLEGE, so there you go a paper with a degree of hard work and money to the trash or to the TOILET. Sorry but that is true. NOW OFCOURSE THEY ARE GOING TO SAY THAT EVERYTHING THAT YOU JUST READ IS A LIE, but believe not these people. They seem on the outside as good people that are preaching the Bible, but until you get to see the skeletons behind their closets. YOU WILL SEE THAT THESE PEOPLE ARE WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING. Test their actions and see that Ernie loves money. His wife Melissa told my mom that she WOULD NEVER SEND HER THREE GIRLS TO WESTCOAST. Mom asked: why? Melissa: I would never want my girls to be in debt. What type of hypocrisy is this? All of their members are brainwashed to never want wake up to the truth or speak up against Ernie. This is just a sample of my story. [IF I WERE YOU I WOULD GO TO EITHER EMMANUEL FAITH OR CALVARY CHAPPEL IN VISTA.] May God bless you to whoever is reading this.Added June 21, 2017 by Mark Wassef - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The people are friendly, and the Word of God is faithfully preached with energy and excitement.
Added March 29, 2017 by Sarah Crow
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